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She's in Korea

A British girl shares her experience of teaching English in Korea. Especially the trials of a newbie

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Don't worry, be happy


Dare I say it? Not sure. Well, I will take the risk. Things seems to be going OK this week. Phew, it is good to get it out in the open. I have been so afraid to say anything good for the last few weeks for fear of jinxing the situation. And I appreciate all the guarded congratulations from you guys too.

Let me fill you in on the details- last week I did my last two days at the school that I have been working at for the last year. The bitch owner found out that I had also done a couple of classes for my new school. So she promptly and totally unfairly decided that she would keep my last two weeks wages- you know, just for fun. I was also told that if I walked out there and then I would get NOTHING! As you can imagine, there was quite a cloud over my last two days at the place. The cherry on the icing on the top of the cake was Miss Kim’s ‘thank you for working so hard for the last year, pop back often to see us’ speech which delayed my journey to the bar. At least that is what I was told she said- Min translated so, really, she could have been saying anything. I was just pleased to be out of the school and on my way to the bar- I did have a brief look around the bitch’s office for my ‘missing’ degree certificate but failed to see it anywhere. I am sure that she will have it framed along with the one million won she ‘stole’ from me to gloat over in the future. I know that I paint her as a vindictive old cow, who is past marriageable age in this country therefore destined to live with her parents forever and bitter at the world in general. I only portray her this way as these are the words that most accurately describe the money grabbing ?@&%!!

But for all that I was now a free woman and working for another boss I was still living in the apartment provided by the old school. It took my new boss a few days to find a new place- we had already moved everything out of my apartment in anticipation of the bitch telling me to move the moment I had erased the last of the chalk from the blackboard in my final class- but I finally moved into the new place on Sunday. After a large sized night out with my mate, Margo, who had popped over from Cheonan for the weekend. The new place is grand and bigger than I thought it would be. The only drawbacks are the single bed (sleeping in the single always makes me feel like a kid) and the loss of all the good cable channels on my TV. But I got hooked up to the internet at home today so things are looking up. And my favourite thing about the new place has to be the décor. The walls are covered in very tasteful wallpaper with a very discreet gold pattern repeated throughout the apartment. On closer inspection the gold motif turns out to be the English alphabet and the best bit… wait for it… is that is all UPSIDE DOWN! Every last letter! On every wall, in both rooms! Fantastic! Wonderful! Something new to laugh at every day.

The new school seems fine. I am teaching mainly adults so getting a different perspective on life in Korea, plus the fact that taking me out for lunch and paying for it is the highlight of my students’ week! Nice! Also, my new boss owns and works in the newest bar in town to attract a foreign crowd. And he doesn’t seem to mind me drinking on a school night. In fact, it is encouraged as so many of out students also drink there and appreciate the chance to practise slurring in a foreign language. I have been playing it cool this week though as I am still finding my feet in the school. There is a lot more effort to be put into teaching adults, in my opinion, as they are less satisfied with being fobbed off with a word search or a game of Go Fish than the kids were J . That said, we played Pictionary and Scrabble this week so it isn’t all work, work, work!

I went and saw my mates’ baby the other week and so am attaching a photo of me looking petrified while holding the little fella. Why parents insist on throwing their most precious thing in the whole wide world into the reluctant arms of a hapless singleton is beyond me! That said, I am secretly always happy when it happens. And little Tommy is very cute indeed. After spending just over five hours on the bus it was a relief to get off it and see the wee fella and his parents for a while. But four short hours later I was back on the bus and on my way to Seoul. I reached Seoul just before midnight and hit the university district with my mates with some gusto. We had a quieter day the next day, we went to the COEX mall and Seoul aquarium- I was disappointed by the lack of sea monkeys in the gift shop, but you can’t have everything, I guess.
So there you go. The last few weeks have been a bit of a blur all in all. But mostly in a good way. I am now living downtown (a mere seven minute walk from my favourite bar, not that I timed it, oh yes, I did time it actually!). Last night I was able to walk home from the bar and stop long enough to win a teddy bear from a crane machine and all that in less than twenty minutes- nice!
And I think that is all my news. I will let you know my new address once I know it- and shortly after I have told the local pizza place what it is.

Take care all and keep going with the news from your corners of the world!
PS_ we drank green beer in our local bar on Paddy’s Day and had to make do with two half irish people as there were no real ones in town. Was weird!

Monday, March 08, 2004

New jobs and happy days..

Today I started teaching at a new school here in Gangneung. This is a project I have been cultivating for the last two weeks and it finally came to fruition this weekend. Now, I know that you are thinking ‘cunning old Helen, can’t believe that she didn’t tell me, her best friend/sister/brother/mother/pet cat/ someone she met on the street and forced her email address on…’ but superstition dictated that even though I have known about this job since Friday I couldn’t say anything until I had real confirmation. Even now I don’t have a contract yet as my contract hasn’t finished at my old school, so don’t break open the champagne yet!
So the deal is this- I am working at both schools this week and until next Tuesday and as of Wednesday I will just be at the new school.. The new school is located in downtown Gangneung- so my new apartment will be there too. I will be teaching mostly adults but some kids classes in the afternoon. The owner speaks fluent English- thereby getting rid of some the communication problems so common here in Korea.

Anyway, onto other things. It snowed here last week-loads of snow. It started on Thursday in a rather half hearted manner and was still like that on Friday morning. But shortly after I went to school it started to get heavier and after my first class one of my kids brought me up a wee snowman which was very sweet of her. I went outside with the kids during my free lessons to play in the snow but they liked me too much to throw snowballs at me so we just played catch with them until they disintegrated. I took some photos of my kids which I will attach to this mail.

So the snow was pretty and fun and everything but hit at a very inconvenient time- I was due to go to Gwangju on Saturday morning to see my mate’s new baby. I had been looking forward to a bit of hardcore cooing action and was in the restaurant on Friday night insisting to my other mates that I was still going to Gwangju- snow or no snow- when they pointed at the news coverage on the TV- miles and miles of traffic at a standstill, toll booths shut and the expressway closed. When it was still snowing at midnight I knew that it was time to give up the travels as a lost course. Therefore I didn’t make it home to my house until nearly 5am.
Saturday I went to the beach to play in the snow and get some photos. It was q warm day despite the snow and there were loads of people on the beach- taking photos of each other as always. I saw two businessman walking along the beach in their suits, clutching cans of beer at 3pm. I love Korea! Someone had built a snowman on the beach which was pretty cool. Even so I had to leave after about an hour as the sun was going down. I stayed in Saturday night and yesterday I went to a DVD bang and saw a Korean movie. The movie’s English name is ‘Please teach me English’ and it was hilarious! Maybe because it gave us a bit of an insight to the other side of the teacher’s desk. Very funny indeed! Sunday night I had a meeting with the new school’s boss, at his bar downtown, then dinner and a couple of celebratory beers at Bumpin.

And that is all of my news!

Sorry I have been rubbish at responding to your mails. Now I have some good news the sun is out again and I promise to be less crap with replies this month- bearing in mind I have to move next week so maybe without internet connection for a couple of days
Take care all and thanks for all your support over the last month or so.
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